8 Tips to Create Best Low-Poly Character Models
The current computer and mobile game industry have increased the incessant use of high-quality poly models which yield a better game functionality experience over portable devices. Although it may look quite simple to get the perfect look for each of your character model in low-poly demands great effort and extra time from your loaded schedule. Consulting the lead game designers at GameGorillaz which supports ample experience in the relative field, some common tips and tricks are devised to make great quality low-poly character models. In this blog, we will especially put light on all these little facts which remain unknown or neglected by character modelers throughout the 3D modeling process. To some it seems redundant but for all those game character modelers who find these little tweaks bothering they happen to do it over and over again. The set of the below-compiled tips can get you a long way in your 3D Character Modeling routine and can provide benefit every at every single step:
Your Set of Working Restrictions
Setting up your work restrictions must be without a cloud of doubt your first and foremost step to designing a low-poly character model. By referring to restrictions it means to not only the texture page and polygon limit but the whole environment setting in which the particular designed character will be placed and used within the gaming format. The environment setting usually operates within millimeters, centimeters, and meters. This helps to maintain the consistency of all the modeling design down the line. You might have experienced difficulties while scaling and rigging the model or in the later animation phase. It is very important to consider knowing how the character is going to build up in the game. The whole emphasis must be centering on the character usage.
Secondly, keep in mind the scene details which can provide you a basis to create a mammoth impact on the character model. Just like, if the character wears a hat, then ask will the character take off the heat in the game? The reason for knowing this is that if during the scene the character is to take off the hat then there must be something predesigned under it. Otherwise, it can make do without!
Do your homework: Research
Imagine yourself starting a game character modeling project with your eyes closed. Would you be able to do it? Similarly, do not shoot arrows blankly, by saying this it means to work without a sound research basis is equal to no work at all. Even the most recognized and professional game developers utilize multiple references before beginning any new project. All you need is to explore the related sources for your gaming character modeling project. The images of relatable gaming characters can also serve as guidance.
For Example: If you wish to make a human-robot version you can simply check all images related to the concept design but carefully observing the physical form. The closer to reality the character model is the better your gaming experience is going to be achieved as successful final output.
Start Simple
Resist diving into intricate details in the very beginning stage of the character modeling practice. At the very start of the modeling, the project makes sure, to begin with blocking the entire figure and use very basic primitives to stitch them all together. This makes you able to get a brief overview of the proportions of the model about how it is going to turn out eventually at the final stage. Also, you can pass the idea (rough sketch) for rigging and then to the chief animator. Therefore, start simple yet strong!
Tag Along Logic when Detailing
It is quite difficult to overcome the over artistic side of us and let down the addition of too much detailing. However, the 3D character models are very definitive of detailing needs. When you know the basic use of the character in the game you will be able to compromise on extra details.
For Example: Just as, when we look at the inside of the mouth. Mitten hands can replace the details on the fingers, and you can leave across the fabric details also. Hence, by zooming in and out of the model project you can judge a character model from a close distance and form a larger perspective.
Sub-division Surfaces
Subdivision Surfaces prove quite useful to create a low polygon at the initial account. Using such methods for creating a low res cage mesh can be further incorporated in a highly defined and detailed character model process. The geometry of the mesh can’t be pushed maximum to its limits until the character model creation is final. In this way, you can easily bake out the model and can simply convert it into a polygon mesh which can be optimized and edited for your modeling advantage.
Refer to Natural Muscle Lines
If in any case, the typology of the character model is to be annotated into a real person’s flesh and bone or muscular layout, then every movement of your model must look intrinsic and well defined to be able to convince the viewers (gamers). The muscle lines must be well-considered and thought of as the basic foundation of how can a character moves around within the gaming scene.
Silhouette Testing
Being able to work out on a character model of a few days can naturally make it a bit more challenging to give it a fresh eye look again. Still, you can achieve promising results by pinpointing the areas within the design which may look jagged or toothed. This can be done by disabling or adjusting the light shot in the created scene. Analyze with and without the lights which areas look a bit off and do not fit in the respective created game scene. This can result in the creation of a silhouette that can be moved around here and there, bring the areas to more focus and clarity to help widen the scope of perfection.
Smart Work or Hard Work: Save for later
If you are some professional game developer or a 3D professional character modeler, then you might think and design numerous sketches and drafts about interesting models of creatures and humans. However, a smart worker always thinks of easier and better ways!
For Example: If you happen to have modeled a character design from scratch listing out the body and typology in sync with each other, then you can always use this perfectly designed model as a copy of another enticing model with slight differences. It simply saves more time for your next modeling project!
How ITS can help you with Architectural 3D Modeling Service?
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