Top 5 Plagiarism Checkers Content Writers Can use in 2023

Top 5 Plagiarism Checkers Content Writers Can use in 2023

Content writing is a huge industry in 2023. According to a source, there are 600 million blogs on the internet. That is a staggering number of content. So, there is no doubt that content writing is popular. However, just like any other form of writing, content writing can be harmed due to plagiarism.


So, it is a edu writer duty to ensure that any content they write for a blog or website is completely unique. This becomes more important because the sheer amount of content available makes it difficult to write unique content.


There is always a chance that somebody else has written something along the same lines as you, and that can show up as plagiarism.


To combat this issue, writers can and should use plagiarism check tools so that they can stay on top.


5 Best Plagiarism Checkers for Writers


The tools we have discussed in this list are here because of the accuracy, usability, and general features that make them desirable.




The plagiarism checker by Editpad is a freemium tool. It can be used for free albeit with some restrictions. The restrictions are relaxed if you upgrade to the premium plan. There are no differences in features between the paid and free versions of the plagiarism checker.


In the free version, a writer can check their content for up to a thousand words. The tool compares the content against a myriad of online sources, so it is considerably accurate.



Editpad’s plagiarism detector also generates a report after the comparison is complete. This report is quite detailed as it can not only pinpoint the plagiarized parts, but also the sources from which the content was copied.



This plagiarism checker for writers checks each individual sentence, that’s why its results are shown sentence-wise as well. The report is prefaced by the exact degree of uniqueness and plagiarism shown in green and red colors respectively.


The sources which were duplicated are also given at the end in their own section. A writer can use the information from this report to cite their sources (if the degree of plagiarism is small) or completely rewrite the article (if the plagiarism is too high).




  • Can check plagiarism in approximately 20 languages
  • Freemium
  • Accurate results
  • Detailed report




  • Has ads in the free and basic plans
  • Mandatory captcha in the free version


Entire Tools


The second tool on our list is the Entire Tools plagiarism checker. This is a free plagiarism checker and it allows you to check up to 1,000 words per session. The tool checks your work by comparing it to works present in online sources.



If a match is detected then the tool checks how much content is copied and calculates the percentage of unique and plagiarized content. Once it completes the checking process, it generates a simple report that tells the blog writer how much content is unique, and where the plagiarized parts have been taken from.



In the report, you will see the exact amount of uniqueness, as well as the strings that are plagiarized. If you click on the strings, a Google page will open that will list the article that the content was stolen from.




  • Very simple and easy to use
  • No barriers to entry
  • Accurate and reliable results
  • No ads
  • Multiple input options



  • Can only check short-form content (less than 1,000 words)


Paper Rater


Paper Rater is a free tool for checking the amount of plagiarism in your content. Just like other online plagiarism checkers it compares the given content to tons of online sources. The UI of this tool is simple to navigate and helps content writers and bloggers easily check their content.



A content writer has to copy-paste or upload their content into the tool and click the “Get Report” button. Don’t be misled by the “Advanced Check” as that only takes you to the Grammarly premium page.


The report generated by Paper Rater is similar to Editpad. You get to see the exact text that was plagiarized, and you get to see the sources as well. However, one thing it does better is that if you hover over a source, then the text that was copied from it will light up in yellow.



However, its accuracy is a tiny bit questionable. It detected content that is 100% plagiarized as 97% plagiarized. But that is still within the margin of error which is 5%.




  • Free to use
  • Good UI of Plagiarism report
  • No ads



  • Slightly inaccurate



Prepostseo is also a freemium platform. Plagiarism checker offered by Prepostseo allows users to check 1,000 words for free. And if they pay for the premium upgrade, then they can check up to 25,000 words per session.


The premium version also offers other features such as deep checking and allowing you to download the plagiarism report. All other features such as excluding quotes and specific websites from the checking process are available in the free version too.



The plagiarism report is also quite detailed. It works in a similar manner as Paper Rater where you can see which text was taken from which source by clicking on the text.



Its accuracy is also good as it correctly detected the source and the degree of plagiarism in the content. Its pricing is also quite competitive as you can access the premium version for as little as $10 per month.




  • Good UI
  • Detailed report
  • Multiple language support
  • Accurate detection



  • Ads in the free version



The plagiarism checker by Rephrase is also a freemium tool. It follows much of the same design formulas as the other tools on this list. It has a noticeable text box that is used for inputting your text. And it shows the plagiarism report below this box.



The free version of this plagiarism checker allows blog writers to check 1,000 words per session. The paid version increases that to 1,500 which is not much. But its paid plans reflect this and are pretty cheap.


The cheapest plan costs $7 per week, while the most expensive one costs $150 per year.


The plagiarism checker by Rephrase also provides a similar report as Editpad, meaning that the result is shown in a sentence-wise manner. The sources are also listed at the end.



A similarity index is given along with each listed source that shows how much content matches with that source.



Another feature is that this tool supports three languages which are English, Spanish, and Indonesian.




  • Easy to use
  • Accurate
  • Fast performing




  • Ads
  • Very small word count in the premium version



Editpad’s plagiarism AI detector also generates a report after the comparison is complete. This report is quite detailed as it can not only pinpoint the plagiarized parts but also the sources from which the content was copied.




Content writers and bloggers can use these five plagiarism checkers in 2023 to ensure that their work is unique. All of the tools that we listed are either completely free or freemium so, at the very least there is no harm in trying them out.


You can also see that the tools are quite accurate as they detected plagiarism in the given text. Only one tool was off the mark slightly by about 3% which falls under the margin of error.

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